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Below are the most scenic videos we have. Click here to find out more technical videos!

Debris flow in Genaldon River Valley

April 16, 2017


Debris flow in Genaldon River Valley

Modeling a scenic natural disaster event: collapse of the Kolka glacier and debris flow into the Genaldon River Valley, Russia. Real event happend in 2002. Simulation of non-Newtonian fluid flow with Herschel-Bulkley rheology and free surface in complex geometry.

Geometry prepeared from digital elevation model

Video rendered with General Mesh Viewer

Prepared on 2016.

By Ruslan Yanbarisov

Inviscid flow around cylinder

January 10, 2017


Inviscid flow around cylinder.

Poiseuille inflow condition is set on the left end, free outflow condition on the right end, no-slip condition is set on all other boundaries. Only numerical viscosity is present. The grid is dynamically refined on zones with high vorticity magnitude and coarsened on zones with small vorticity magnetude.

Darker shade represents larger vorticity magnitude, white represents no vorticity.

The video was used on PHD defence in INM RAS, 2013

Video rendered with General Mesh Viewer

By Kirill Terekhov

Landslide onto Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam

April 16, 2017


Landslide onto Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam

Modeling a scenic natural disaster event: landslide caused by excessive rainfall onto the dam of Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Station, Russia. Real event newer happend. Simulation of non-Newtonian fluid flow with Herschel-Bulkley rheology and free surface in complex geometry.

Geometry prepared with SketchUp based on SRTM digital elevation data and mapped with satellite images from Google Maps.

Rendered with PovRay

Prepared on 2011.

By Kirill Terekhov

Collapse of Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam

April 16, 2017


Collapse of Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam

Modeling a scenic natural disaster event: flooding caused by collapse of the dam of Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Station, Russia. Real event newer happend. Simulation of non-Newtonian fluid flow with Herschel-Bulkley rheology and free surface in complex geometry.

Geometry prepared with SketchUp based on SRTM digital elevation data and mapped with satellite images from Google Maps.

Rendered with PovRay

Prepared on 2011.

By Kirill Terekhov

Tsunami floods the city II

April 16, 2017


Tsunami floods the city II

Modeling a scenic of natural disaster event: tsunami wave flooding the city. Simulation of incompressible fluid flow with free surface in complex geometry.

Geometry prepeared with SketchUp

Video rendered with patched MPI-parallel PovRay

Prepared on 2011.

By Kirill Terekhov

Chocolate Advertisement

April 16, 2017


Chocolate Advertisement

Words forming out of chocolate, demonstration of code use for advertisement purposes, never aired. Simulation of highly viscid fluid with controlled motion.

Prepared on 2010

By Kirill Terekhov

Tsunami in the bay

April 16, 2017


Small boat withstands tsunami

Simulation of incompressible fluid flow with free surface in complex media with rigid body motion.

The video was presented for special effects contest for the movie Conan the barbarian on 2010.

Geometry prepeared with SketchUp

Video rendered with PovRay

By Kirill Terekhov

Tsunami floods the city I

April 16, 2017


Tsunami floods the city I

Modeling a scenic of natural disaster event: tsunami wave flooding the city. Simulation of incompressible fluid flow with free surface in complex geometry.

Geometry prepeared with SketchUp

Video rendered with YafaRay

Prepared on 2009.

By Kirill Terekhov